This site serves as more of a collection of bookmarks/reminders for me than anything useful for others.

Recent posts

I visited New Zealand - Part 5

12 minute read

We spent 4 nights in Wellington, made 3 trips to Wētā, ate at 2 Restaurants, and visited 1 Museum

I visited New Zealand - Part 4

8 minute read

Our quest down the northern island of New Zealand continues, taking us from Rotorua to Wellington, via Middle Earth

I visited New Zealand - Part 3

7 minute read

“In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole...

I visited New Zealand - Part 1

9 minute read

I know you shouldn’t get swept away by the small snippet you see of a county when you go on holiday, but I did. New Zealand stole my heart and I wish I coul...

Project Decomposition

7 minute read

As an architect, I frequently assist software engineers in breaking down project scope into manageable chunks. Here is one of the techniques I use.

One Rule to Build Them All

2 minute read

Every business is different, every codebase has debt that needs to be worked around. Any given project has different success criteria (budget vs. cost vs. sc...

A Simple Script Base

less than 1 minute read

Sometimes you just need a script that takes arguments. This is a simple script which will call different functions based on the first argument from the user.